Author Topic: Railway bridge  (Read 8299 times)

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Offline Tom a.k.a. eastawat

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I designed this railway bridge for my city in The eagle-eyed/well-travelled viewer may recognise it as being based on Laytown Viaduct. I went to the beach there last summer and crossed the footbridge alongside it and knew it was a design I'd want to recreate in Lego some day.

The XXXX pattern of trusses isn't actually connected to anything, it's just held in place by other parts around it, which I'm pretty confident should work out ok when I eventually build it for real.

I considered different colours, worried that teal (or dark turquoise as we're apparently supposed to call it now) parts would be too rare. But in the end after considerable research into the availability of teal parts I decided to stick with it, for as much variety as possible in the city, and because there will definitely never be a teal train running across it.

Offline John

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This seems to be a fan design and inventory tool. Maybe too much teal but I guess it's only a bridge whereas the rest of the rail line will be different

Offline Tom a.k.a. eastawat

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Yeah it's only a small section of track in the grand scheme of things, nice to have some unusual bright colours around the city!

Offline Samsonite

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This looks great and interesting colour choice. Any reason for the different colours on the support columns?

Offline Tom a.k.a. eastawat

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It'll be standing in water when it eventually gets built, so I was going for a kind of algae layer and a layer where the tide has eroded away the paint!

