I was struggling to get an idea today as to what would look best on this bendy road - debating an apartment block or office block. Well the office one won out in the end as I had 'builders block' when it came to how to position an apartment complex.
So this office block will be the home of the Central Bank of Legoland. Very much semi-concept at the moment. I hope to get an exterior looking decent and then build properly so as it doesn't fall apart and is modular to allow interior to be done at some stage. Not in the mood to do the interior at the moment, always much more effort (and parts) than the exteriors I find.
My main plan is that the building will be staggered in height as I like this complex look. I may relocate an previous made
office block to be placed beside this as the colour schemes are the same.
Any suggestions fire away. Happy to get new ideas.