Author Topic: Year 2022 Competition: Winter MOC  (Read 11760 times)

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Offline BrickSwords

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I'm just working on my Winter Post-Office for my winter village
Mail is delivered to Santa via the bird entrance on the 2nd floor. No Owls...Copyright issue :)

Mail arrives on the second floor from assortment of birds and dropped on the conveyor belt that drops it to the feeder for the machine on the ground floor

Mail arrives on the first floor to be sorted by the sorting machine and details are entered into the computer

I've also been working on adding base plates to my winter village...which is expensive to do... hopefully BulkLug can help with that
The postoffice will be added to the 2nd base plate which is still a work in progress

Hopefully I'll get it finished by Christmas. There's no rush. Happy Christmas everyone.

Offline John

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No series 23 figs were harmed in this creation. Love the sorting cane. A nice building for WV. A submission for the competition???

Offline BrickSwords

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Sure, I guess this is my entry to the 2022 Competition. It's link to 2022 is, apart from the fact I just built it, is that that I got a lot of the CMF Robots this year and had to think of something to do with them.

This is the finished article add to my winter village

Offline David

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Lovely festive build! The use of the robot part is very clever, perfect for this mailroom operation.

Is is 1x2x5 bricks to create the frozen ice effect? Whatever it is works very well.

Offline BrickSwords

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Thank you.
Do you mean the frozen ice on the ice rink? if so, it's from the Lunar New Year set (80109).
This part-

Offline David

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Ah! Never knew of this part colour. Thanks for sharing!

Offline Tom a.k.a. eastawat

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Lovely build! Brilliant use of those robot torsos, I'd never seen that piece before but it looks perfect for the sorting machine!

Would be great to get some of my Christmas cards delivered by carrier chicken or parrot this year :D