Author Topic: Hapax Legomenon  (Read 6255 times)

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Offline Tom a.k.a. eastawat

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As a bit of a quiz buff, I love watching University Challenge, and thanks to a Cambridge genius by the name of Ted Loveday, last year I learned the phrase "Hapax Legomenon" (although Loveday's pronunciation leaves a bit to be desired):

Anyway I'm sure you can see where this is going...

There's not much to this, it's just Lego men on Hapax:

Offline John

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Can't stop saying it now and I've not checked what it means ,  looks a bit "young men" YMCA style

Offline Tom a.k.a. eastawat

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Hahaha, a risky approach! Pretty harmless though, it means a word or phrase that only appears once in a work of literature apparently, or something along those lines anyway. Why there needs to be a word for that is beyond me!

